Exam simulation ICDL Module 7 | Online Collaboration


Online Collaboration 

This module allows candidates to understand the concept of presentations and to demonstrate competence in using presentation software.

Many of you have written to ask what books to buy to better prepare for the certification exams, will respond according to the choices made by our teachers in the classroom and Examiners ECDL, advising the following book.

Many of you have written to ask what books to buy to better prepare for the certification exams, will respond according to the choices made by our teachers in the classroom and Examiners ECDL, advising the following book.

Google Apps For Dummies

Google Apps are Web-based, low-cost (or free!) office productivity tools that do everything those expensive applications do — and you can access them from any computer with an Internet connection. Google Apps For Dummies boosts your "app-titude" by giving you the low-down on choosing, setting up, and using these nifty and powerful gadgets for work or play.

Buy on Amazon!

Test 1 ICDL | Module 7

Test 1 ICDL | Module 7


Test 2 ICDL| Module 7

Test 2 ICDL| Module 7


Test 3 ICDL | Module 7

Test 3 ICDL | Module 7


Test 4 ICDL | Module 7

Test 4 ICDL | Module 7


Test 5 ICDL | Module 7

Test 5 ICDL | Module 7


download-pdf.png Download the Online Collaboration Module Syllabus (PDF)