Exam simulation IC3 GS4/GS5 | Living Online



Living Online

We live in a connected world where the Internet plays a vital role in both our personal and professional activities. The Living Online exam is designed to help users understand how to effectively use the Internet or work in a networked environment and maximize communication, education, collaboration, and social interactions in a safe and ethical way.

Many of you have written to ask us which books to purchase for better preparation for certification exams, we answer you according to the choices made by our classroom teachers and examiners, advising you on the following book.

Many of you have written to ask us which books to purchase for better preparation for certification exams, we answer you according to the choices made by our classroom teachers and examiners, advising you on the following book.

Principles of Information Technology

Principles of Information Technology presents basic principles and concepts about information technology to help students become more valuable employees, better citizens, and knowledgeable consumers. Written specifically for high school students, this text maps to the IC3 Digital Literacy Certification standards.

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